Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Memorable Wedding

An Amazing Wedding

I heard about an amazing wedding yesterday. A truly amazing wedding - A wedding day to remember! I heard this was true but one really hopes that it is an urban legend!

We have the wedding day celebration being planned – church, date, reception, clothing, speeches, honeymoons etc. Dates have been set and money expended. Everything is planned and appears to be going along swimmingly.

The wedding celebrations proceeds along nicely until Murphy’s Law strikes. Or should I say the seventeen year brother of the groom is attacked by the demon drink. He obviously has no capacity for alcohol, & indeed little to no experience or wisdom in the ways of the imbiber!

When the turn of the speechmakers arrives just to lighten the mood, our young friend decides it would be fun to pelt them with food. It is then the turn of the new mother-in-law or indeed mother-of-the-bride to say her bit. She must be a woman of either short stature or a possessor of a light voice because she finds it necessary to stand on the table to deliver her words.

She is actually standing up on the table speaking when the youthful one drags her, for whatever reason,from the table and onto the floor. The ambulance is called and the groom’s brother is then banished from the wedding.

Bit sticky however the wedding reception continues or should I say limps on until the banished one is found to be lurking behind the wedding reception pillars!!! Events then totally come to a stand still.

This is a wedding that will be long remembered by the bride, groom, wedding party and guests for all the wrong reasons.

Copyright a.a.gallagher

September 2007 (under construction)” title=”amazing-wedding”> amazing-wedding

A Memorable Wedding

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